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Sanya Beach The Hawaii Of China 三亚海滩

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#sanya​ #hainan​ #sanyabeach​
Despite it being January and most of the world unable to travel, I was lucky enough to get a flight from Hangzhou to Sanya on Hainan Island which is located in the South of China with close proximity to Vietnam and the disputed Paracel Islands.

Sanya is nicknamed 'The Hawaii of China due to its white beaches, water sports, clear waters and all year round great weather. This is where many Chinese nationals come during the winter months to have fun and try the local seafood.

Sanya is becoming known on international levels thanks to its huge coastline, surfing, diving and it being the host of 'Miss World' in recent years.

Sanya is more expensive to holiday compared with it's rivals in Thailand and Vietnam but it is still worth it. It is divided into 3 main parts of Sanya Bay, Dadonghai and Yalong Bay.

In this video I visit Sanya bay and Dadonghai beaches aswell as the Pineapple building and China's Lego buildings which resemble trees with fruit and branches which now boasts a record 6,668 hotel rooms.

Please like and subscribe if you have not already to make sure you don't miss the next few Sanya videos coming up next week.

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