Mahesh Tiffanies Tuppad Dose Hotel 80 years Old Kannada Food Review Eating Panda
Mahesh Tiffanies | Tuppad Dose 80 years Old | Kannada Food Review | Eating Panda
#maheshtiffanies #tuppaddose #kannadafoodreview #eatingpanda
In todays Eating Panda's food hunt I came across this place called Mahesh tiffanies which is around 80 years old known for their Ghee dose or also known as Tuppad Dose which is to die for
Food that I tasted:
Saada Dose or Regular Dose
Price: 10/- (For 1 Piece)
Ratings 8/10
Tuppad Dose / Ghee Dose
Price: 15/- (For 1 Piece)
Ratings 10/10
Price: 20/- (For 2 Piece)
Ratings 8/10
Masala Vade
Price: 5 (For 1 Piece)
Ratings 10/10
Mahesh Tiffanies / Tuppad Dose hotel
Address: Madavachar Rd, Ramachandra Agrahara, Mysuru, Karnataka 570004
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